About me

I take great interest in searching for perfect imperfection in dentistry


Soft tissue management and aesthetic result in implant prosthodontics
09:00 - 17:00
We kindly invite you to spend two intense days in Vilnius next spring, learning a lot about implant prosthodontics in the aesthetic area. Get ready for a lot of useful information, which will be easily adapted to your daily clinical work. Also there are two hands-on sessions planned and waiting for you.


The last seminars of 2018 and plans for 2019

End of 2018 was very busy with seminars for me. In the last two weeks I gave a three-day course on dental and implant aesthetics and a seminar about the basics of implant prosthesis.

Upcoming mission – new smile for the seniors

After volunteering in Africa I decided to donate new dental plates for the retirement home residents here in Lithuania. This idea attained great attention and a lot of support.

If you have any questions
please get in touch!